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Wow, I'd definitely buy something like this for MV.

Hi, I'm using the pro version and I've got "ReferenceError: params is not defined" while trying to access the custom parameters (e.g. params["charID"]) in an On Click addon. Is there any other way to do this? :o


Sorry for the slow response! At the current moment, the "params" variable is not available within all code evals. I'll try and fix that in the next update! Thank you for your patience.


Now fixed?

Hi! I’m just curious, can you use this to make menus that aren’t in the original game? Like a Quest menu, or a Location menu?


Yes!  I personally made a menu for a game I made for a game jam, and it worked like a charm!

Is the same ability use-able in the free version? I’d love to support the creator, but I’m VERY slim on money right now...


The free version allows you to make two different HUDs, one for the map and one for battle.  The PRO version allows an infinite amount of HUDs that can be called with conditions you can event.  You might be able to make 1 customizable menu with the Map HUD of the free version if that's all you needed and I am sure it would work fine.   I imagine it would simply be the map HUD and using conditions to turn it off and on and not as the same as if you had the PRO version, but to make multiple menus you definitely need the PRO version.  I think the free version is still excellent, just if you are planning a complex menu system I don't think the free version will cut it...


Hey I  bought it and it's awesome! The 40$ wasn't a waste. Good job. ;)

Short question: does it work on android?

If not tested, I would test it, when I have time. ^^

(HUD-Maker for MV didn't worked with Android)


I haven't tested on mobile platforms, but it... should work?? Didn't do anything specifically that should disallow mobile export, but sometimes you just never know. 😅

As usual, I'd would recommend anyone interested to download the free version first to test it. Glad you like the program though! ^^


not working, i already tested in android. with error [ReferenceError] "Nw is not defined" 


i really want this, but it to expensive to me,, maybe someday..

save for it. It is worth buying mz for this alone! :o


He has a free version as well, the pro version is definitely worth it as you can make custom menus and the like, but the free version will allow custom map and battle HUDs that are completely unique to your game.

Can you use this with variables, or create gauges that adjust at different variable amounts? :o <3 thank you. If so, this miiight me my only reason to get this and MZ, down the road xD


Yup! You can create variable gauges in the normal version, so be sure to try it out!

SCREEEEECHHHHHHHRAAAAHHHH I love you thhank you, I can't rn but I will be purchasing thing in the near future~ THE BARDS SHALL SING MANY SONGS. xD


Hi, I'm in consideration of purchasing this as the Component Add-ons are appealing. I do have a few questions if you don't mind answering.

  1.  Can I make another component appear if I hover over another? 
  2. How sensitive is the On Hover? Like if I have a big image (lets say 200x200) with On Hover and make it spin. If I move my cursor over a component lets say (50x50) that's above that big image, will it continue to spin or will it stop? 
  3. Also does the On Hover trigger if hovering over the transparent section. Such as a donut shaped picture, would it trigger On Hover if the in the middle.
  4. Is it possible to make several small HP Bars(10 in this case) with each one only displaying a range of the HP? (0-10%, 11-20%, 21-30%, etc...). 

This is because I wanted to make a circular HP/MP bar, but it seems that this plugin only removes in an Left-Right (rotating gives different directions) type fashion. Which means I can't use a full circle or it'll remove the top and bottom at the same time, rather than moving along that circle.

Or do I have to make 10 full size HP bars with some of it missing and just have it display on the condition of being at [X]% HP?

Sorry for the inconvenience of these questions, but this plugin seems to be in my opinion the best by far when compared to other HUD plugins as it's so versatile. I just don't want to make a purchase and have it be unable to do what I'm looking for. Or at least know what I need to work around.

Thanks, and keep up the great work.


Thank you for your interest! To answer these questions:

1) Yes. For this you would need to have a Switch bound to the hover of one component (this would make the switch turn on/off depending if the component has the mouse hovered over it). Then the second component can simply have a display condition based on that same Switch.

2) I'm afraid in that case, the hover will still continue. There is no layering system, and multiple components can be hovered, so it would only stop hovering once the mouse left the 200x200 hit-box of the component.

3) Hovering will occur on transparent parts of images. It uses the image's dimensions and a square hit-box. Pixel collision would be too performance heavy to apply on all components, so you'll probably have to find a different plugin for this (or use smaller hit-boxes and create a system similar to question 1).

4) This behavior is not a built-in part of the editor (and there is no automated system for it), but it could be done using the "Code" tab for the inputs of Value/Maximum in gauges (this could probably be done in the normal version of HUD Maker Ultra). However, this would be slightly complicated and require a lot of work.

Long story short, I'm afraid that there is no support for circle gauges even with the Pro version. You could get creative and perhaps replicate something similar, but I don't think any of the Pro features would help that much, and you're much better of experimenting with the normal version of the program.

Thank you for the reply. It did confirm my suspicions. However, I already made the purchase and am quite satisfied with what it is capable of. Indeed, it's unable to do circular gauges but I've settled with that. I did notice when using a picture gauge it only draws from the middle 1/3 of the image, is there a reason for that? For instance, if I have a 300x300 gauge, the top 100pixels and bottom 100 pixels folder over onto the middle 100.

This was quite odd to me at first since, that means to have a proper gauge the height of the canvas needs to be 3x the size of the actual image, and the placing it in the middle. Since the height ratio is locked in the hud maker program, only allowing for width adjustments.

But all in all. I thoroughly enjoy this plugin and coupled program. The only suggestion I would have is in regards to the hue settings, that is using a standard RRGGBB input. Currently it just asks for a value of 0-360 degrees. Just a suggestion. Thanks for your time.

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry for the confusion. Image gauges takes an image and splits it from top to bottom in thirds. The first third is the foreground, and the last third is the background. The middle is the part that is actually changed for the gauge value. Here is an example!

As for hue, unfortunately, there is no way to set the hue color directly, as that's based on the previous color of the image (red at hue 30 is different than blue at hue 30). Instead, I think what you may be referring to is the ability to set the tone of images. Tone lets you set any color as an overlay, but doesn't look as good. But I'll consider adding it in the future! ^^

I see. Thank you. That makes things so much clearer. And yes, I guess I was thinking of Tone. If you decide to add it, that'd be pretty neat, if not that's fine. Nothing a little photoshop can't fix. Again thank you for clarifying the image gauge. It gives me some ideas, as well as not needing to make a separate image for a background, border, etc... It's cool that this was a feature. I must have missed it in the free version.

This is really great SRDude.
Can you tell me how to access the custom parameter created via code?
Thinking about a barrier, a trance, or some custom additional gauge that separate from the current one.s


Yes, you can use the "params" object to access the custom parameter data in most code inputs within the program. For example:

var ActorId = params["Actor ID"];

Thank you for the answer 😸 and I will try it soon.

Hey! Great plugin (I'm using the free version)! Problem is that I keep getting that cannot read property of height message. Anybody able to help? Thank you!

As always, GREAT work, SRD! Look forward to whatever else you do!

Hello! I apologize for the delayed response. If you're still having issues, please visit my Discord ( and provide any information you can about the bug!

Thank you very much!

You're alright! I'm quite late at replying myself, so I can't fault you quite honestly XD

Fortunately, I think I was able to fix it. It seemed that a few of my core plugins were outdated and it was messing up a bit of the files as a result

This doesn't seem to work for MV. I've installed the .js under the SuperToolsEngine and it doesn't work. The free version worked but this one doesn't.

Sorry for the confusion, "HUD Maker Ultra" exclusively works on MZ. This goes for both the pro version and the normal version

The free version you're referring to appears to be the original "HUD Maker", which is for MV and does not have a paid version.

Yeah, I got hyped from the MV  video you made and got hit with the crippling defeat of this. I've asked for a refund, sorry as I don't have MZ. However, I do have to tell you only 3 things work for the MV version. Idk if you're planning on fixing that (I made a comment on your channel) Anyway good luck on everything :D

You cannot use anything made for MZ in MV and expect it to work.  

Hey there! Was using the free version along with VisuStella's Main Menu core. Is there anyway that I can set the HUD to be invisible while the main menu is open? This plugin is amazing but I'm having trouble figuring this part out.

Is there anyway to highlight which actor is active during first person battle?

Is it possible to edit the "Fight, escape, etc" menu?

What i'm almost angry at about this, is the fact that this is probably way better than what kadokawa would have come up with if they (finally) added a hud editor themselves.


Does it support visualising variables as bars? if i wanted to make a stamina bar for instance? 

examples are so different from MV its hard to know the capability 

Also glad to see your not dead :D


Yes! I'd recommend trying things out for yourself. Try out the normal version (available for free) here:

To make a variable gauge, simply select the "Gauge" component, go to "Gauge Value", and then select the "Variable" tab. The gauge bar will now be the same as the number in the variable.

Also be sure to set the "Gauge Maximum" to the plain number you wish to represent the max fill (like 10 or something). You could even set the maximum value to also be based on a variable! 😁

(2 edits) (+1)

Just curious is there a way to display the HUD during parallel events. I am having some trouble getting things to work properly. I believe it is mainly due to my weather, and sound parallel events. (Edit) Found the culprit! Turns out it doesn't play nice with disabling the menu access. It is almost like it treats it as a constantly running event.


Oh wow, that's a weird bug, just tried it myself. :0

Sorry about that, I'll write a bug fix and update the plugin, should take about a day. Thank you for the report! 👌

(2 edits) (+1)

No problem, Glad you are going to fix it :) cause I sure don't know how lol.

Also it seems every time I animate the x or y position of an object, and then make it clickable, it gives me a "property" of null error in the play test.

I'd have told you sooner, but I just realized it myself.


Oooof, I probably should've checked back sooner. XD
All right, I'll investigate that issue as well! In the meantime, the "menu disabled" issue has been resolved!

Download the new "SRD_HUDMakerUltra.js" here (right-click, save-as):

I'll update the one on the download once I resolve the other bug! ^^

You're awesome bro! Thanks.

(2 edits) (+1)

My English is not very good, so I used Google Translate here. This is a very good tool. When using pro, there are some problems. There is no response when I click with the mouse. I wonder if it conflicts with the picturebottom plugin? The second is about the list call. At present, only the equipment part is tested. If I have no equipment in the field, an error will be reported. Can a null or space be displayed? In the end, it is my personal expectation. Can the text part be able to call the equipment of a column alone? Now it is a whole list that is called up together.

(1 edit) (+2)

no longer scripting additional unknown language?

Can this work with customizing menu and other UI windows?


Unfortunately, at the current moment, HUD Maker Ultra only supports the creation of HUDs on maps and battles. Advanced users can create new menus all together by combining eventing and certain components, but it takes a bit of work, so it's probably best to keep your expectations low. 😅


Awesome. I picked this up right away.

Quick question however... and I apologize if the answer is obvious. I'm using Galv's bust plugin to show bust portraits when speaking to characters. The bust overlaps with some of my HUD elements in the bottom left of my screen and when that happens, the HUD elements turn somewhat transparent (which is good) but they remain on the top layer OVER the bust (which isn't good). Is there a way to rectify that? Great plugin!


Apologies for the inconvenience! While it's not possible to control the layering with sprites created in other plugins, one solution could be to have certain HUD elements become completely hidden while dialog is occurring.

If you use a "Custom Code" display condition, and input the following: "return !$gameMessage.isBusy();" the component will only appear when there isn't a "Show Message" type event active.

If you're using the "Pro" version, you can even have them fade when appearing/disappearing by using this animation: "Property => Opacity", "Start Opacity => 0.0%", "End Opacity => 100.0%", "Duration => 8", "Activation Type => On Show/Hide".


Thank you for the response! I will try that out!


Oh my gosh this is so awesome. I just could not imagine the possibility with this powerful editor. I really like the UI design of the editor. 

Keep the good work on!


Thank you so much! 😁



Maybe you can add the free version here too as a demo? I think there is an option to upload a file in the same project as demo.

(2 edits) (+2)

It would be a bit of a hassle since whenever I need to update the plugin, I'd need to update it in multiple locations. >.<

Not to mention, the normal version is not a demo, it's the full version of the program. The Pro version is more like DLC that adds on top of it. So labeling it as a demo here may cause some confusion.

Thanks for the comment though!


Oh, I get it! I just thought that would be easier for you haha! But it's the opposite. I know well the pain of update the same thing in different places. Ok though! Congratulations again, amazing tool!


I'm (virtually) crying! This is amazing! ;_; but I can't get it yet, that's a major bleed in my spending cash XD One day I will get this! <3


For now you should try the free version on his website.


It's a good day, SRDude has returned.  This tool/plugin is awesome beyond words!

(3 edits)

Hi, will it be possible in the futur to be able to customize other scenes like the main menu? Because if it's already possible, I didn't found how to edit that scene. Otherwise, good job! It's really cool what you made :D

(1 edit) (+2)

You can create a hud and event it to operate better than a main menu. With hud options and choice menus, it's not hard to show everything you want on the screen. And using the choice menu the player could choose other menus, which causes the hud to change. Stay tuned for tutorials in the near future on stuff like this!  - and visu button common events is what I use to setup/change menu hotkeys, though you can also program on screen buttons in hudmaker that are clickable


WoW so cool! I am looking forward for more tutorials, thank you for the reply :D


This is the single greatest thing that has ever happened to mankind.


I have been using this and testing it for many weeks. I am absolutely beyond in love with this. It is worth it more than words can express. Literally limitless interface/UI/menu building. In addition to the additional pro features, just having the infinite Huds makes it worth it.  

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